Cash Balances Details

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Cash Balances Introduction

As provided for in Chapter 8-6 of the New Mexico Statutes Annotated (NMSA) 1978, the State Treasurer shall receive and keep all monies of the State, except when otherwise provided, and shall disburse the public money upon lawful warrants. STO acts as the State’s bank and receipt and disbursement of all State moneys defined by statute as being in the custody of or payable to the State Treasurer are recorded and accounted.

The financial assets held by the New Mexico State Treasurer’s Organization (STO) for the State of New Mexico for the account of state agencies are maintained in the State General Fund Investment Pool (SGFIP) and agency claims are referred to as agency claims on the SGFIP. The Cash Balances Details page provides agency claim balances as extracted from the New Mexico Statewide Human Recourses, Accounting, and Management Reporting System (SHARE), the State financial system. The Cash Balances Details page will allow you to examine the cash balances in greater detail. The process starts by selecting the branch of government or all branches. After making the initial selection, drill down to the next organizational level (i.e. department or fund). The information provided represents the cash balance recorded in SHARE as a point in time, and is subject to change until the general ledger is closed for the month.

An annually audited comprehensive reconciliation process has been in place since fiscal year 2015. During this period there have been no material differences between agency claims on the SGFIP and the resources maintained by the State Treasurer’s Organization and resources are both sufficient and stable to ensure all agency claim on the SGFIP can be and will be honored at face value.

Note: Negative amounts indicate a pending reimbursement which could result from timing differences associated with the drawdown of the federal funds or bond-funded capital projects.


The Cash Balance information has been updated as of November 13, 2018 and reflects agency cash balances as of October 31, 2018. State General Fund Investment Pool balances have not been reconciled at the business unit/fund level since the inception of the Statewide Human Resources, Accounting, and Management Reporting System (SHARE) system in July 2006 (FY 2007).  The State’s Department of Finance and Administration (DFA) has taken action and continues to implement changes to the State’s SHARE system configuration, accounting policies and procedures, business practices, and banking structure necessary to take control of the State’s bank reconciliation processes and allow for future reporting of reconciled balances.  This has facilitated the completion of timely and accurate reconciliation of bank balances on a perspective basis, however this has not addressed or resolved the historical reconciling items.  Since the balances present are cumulative, the data on this page reflects unreconciled general ledger account balances.

Contact Info

Media Inquiries
Department of Finance and Administration
General Services Department
Public Information Officer
180 Bataan Memorial Building
Santa Fe, NM 87501
Mobile: (505) 946-7489
Requests for Public Records

State Treasurer Functions
New Mexico State Treasurer
2019 Galisteo Street, Building K
Santa Fe, NM 87504
Phone: (505) 955-1120
Fax: (505) 955-1180

SHARE Cash Data
Department of Finance and Administration
Financial Control Division
Bataan Memorial Building, Suite 166
407 Galisteo Street
Santa Fe, NM 87501
Phone: (505) 827-3682
Fax: (505) 827-3692